Established in December 2015, FRC Team 6897, also known as Astraea Robotics was created by students for students. Aditya Mehrotra and Andreana Loukidis, then-sophomores in high school saw a need to spread STEM across our community and, alongside fellow students, created an outlet for students to gain real-life experiences before even entering college.
During FRC build season our team puts in hundreds of hours to design, build and program a competition ready robot. During off-season, our team holds numerous community events that aim to inspire the next generation of STEM leaders.
Astraea Robotics is the anchor for our future endeavors. Our successes and failures aim to teach those around us what the STEM industry is really like. We hope to empower the community around us and prove to be an influential voice.
The sub-teams of Astraea Robotics are imperative in ensuring that the team and organization run smoothly. They work together to build and program robots as well as do community outreach to promote STEM to others.
We are divided into three divisions: the mechanical sub-team, the programming sub-team, and the business sub-team. Returning members of the team help to train incoming members of each division every summer regardless of experience.